win an award

Want to win an award for your site? Well, here's the place to win! First, check out the requirements. If you have it all down, fill out the form, located here. If you win, I'll email you. It's that easy (don't I feel like an infomercial)! You can win one of two awards: The Ryan Award, which is for great Ryan Phillippe sites, and The Celeb Award, which is for great celebrity sites. Here's the sample for the Celeb Award (it will NOT have the big SAMPLE across it when you win). The Ryan Award looks almost the same:

sample award

So you want to see who won this beeyootiful award? Go here.


For the Ryan award:

  • Must be about Ryan Phillippe
  • no pornography, extreme cussing, hate propaganda, etc. etc.
  • I'll give you a choice: either sign my guestbook, or give me a link on your site. its not that hard

    The Celeb award:

  • Must be about one certain celebrity or many different ones.
  • Should be appropriate.
  • you can either sign my guestbook, or give me a link on your site.


    Of the Ryan Award:
    The Ryan Phillippe Garage
