Ah, young love!The following is the story of Ryan Phillippe's and Reese Witherspoon's coupledom. I read some articles to find out this stuff, and this is all I got:

Ryan and Reese had never met when Ryan got an invite to Reese's 21st birthday party, which Reese had sent on purpose so they could meet (though Ryan didnt know that). He went anyway "so (a friend and I) could get hammered at this girl's expense." After a few hours talking together at the party, they started sending letters and stuff to each other while Ryan filmed "I Know What You Did Last Summer" in North Carolina. Here comes a romantic part: Reese went all the way to North Carolina to see Ryan. After three days, Reese says "I fell madly, deeply in love with him." Awww...how sweet! They starred in Cruel Intentions together, which came out on March 5, 1999. Young Hollywood's hottest couple got married on June 5th, 1999. Baby Phillippe was born on 9/9/99 and is a little girl named Ava Elizabeth.

Quotes from the lovebirds:

"You must be my birthday present"-Reese Witherspoon's first words to Ryan Phillippe at Reese's 21st birthday party

"I really believe I was meant to find this person in my life and he was meant to find me. I feel very corny about it, but I am just overwhelmed with a sense that it chose us; we didn't choose it."-Reese

"Whether or not we were both working in show business, I think Reese and I would have ended up together. I feel lucky to be this young and to have found the right person."-Ryan

"I feel madly deeply in love with him"-Reese on after three days with Ryan (Premiere)

Ryan and Reese Pictures

teen people online AOL keyword: teenpeople

thankyou to the Original Ryan Phillippe Page for some of those ryan and reese pictures
