h u m o r

also known as "the bum shot"

Hey, is it hot in here or is it just Ryan? Anyway, this is the humor place! Warning: If you are one of those people who are too obssessed with him and if he gets made fun of, you get offended, leave now! Go to the main page and like, go to the pic gallery or something! But if you have a sense of humor, read on. And I think it's pretty funny...so...if it seems stupid, it probably is...also, it might be a good thing to read the disclaimer/explanation thingy at the bottom of the page if ya want to...but anyway...here ya go:

My Interview with Ryan

Purely fiction my friends!

Me: Hello, this is the webmaster of the Ryan Phillippe Fan Page with Ryan Phillippe, everybody's favorite bum shot...ah...i mean...actor!
Ryan: Hello, and @!#@$ @#$# #$#@@.
M: Hmm...okay...glad to see you know all your swear words good. Truly a gift. Anyway, so...if you werent in the field of acting where would you be?
R: !@#$ !#@@#$^%$^ #$%#$^
M: Uh...yeah...riiiight...please tone down the interview a bit...
R: !@#@$ @#@$ $#$$# @#@!?
M: No, I'd rather not see your bum thankyou...and...uh...anyways...thanks for the interview.
R: !@#$ @$#%$^ !@#$ %.
M: Ryan Phillippe, ladies and gentlemen, Ryan Phillippe.

Worst Pick Up Lines Ryan Could Use

6. I need you...I'm Nowhere without you!

5. Hey, I dont know what you did last summer, but I want to know what youre going to be doing tonight...

4. Baby, lets go out...my intentions are all good

3. I've got at least 54 reasons why we were meant to be together

2. I'm little boy blue...come blow my horn...

and the number one worst pick up line that Ryan could use is (drum roll please):

1. If I'm good enough for Buffy, I'm good enough for you!

Have you got a funny pick-up line that you want to add this list? Just email me (and remember, it cant be too bad)!

Got Milk?

heres some fake Got Milk ads i made myself. click thumbnails for bigger pictures.

its not easy being a hottie...


disclaimer, explanation thingy:
This site was made purely for fun! Probably most of the stuff is not true and VERY exaggerated. I just wanta make people laugh! Cant I just make people laugh? :::weeping::: Ok, if I'm not funny, just come and tell me: You're not funny!. And if I am funny, or if you have a suggestion, email me also: You are funny/I have a suggestion!.