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Here Pictures of Lisa's Wrecked Legacy

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Lisa got hit by a guy that ran a red light. Damage was to the hood, passenger fender, headlight, core support and front bumper.

The insurance company paid enough to have it all fixed professionally but I decide to do it myself and save money.
The first step was to find the parts. I tried to find the correct color but was unable to locate it them. I ended up getting the fender and bumper at a wholesale price.

Stripped the car down and took a look at the damage to the frame. The damage was only located on the front core support. Not enough to need to be replaced.

After we hung the fender and the bumper on we did a little tweeking to get everything lined up.
I had a hard time finding a hood. Finally located one that had a small amount of damage. When I went to go look at it I was surprised by it being a Turbo hood.
Wasn't able to find passenger's side headlight assembly. Old one is not quite right as can be seen by the picture. (still looking for headlight)
As can be seen from this picture, green fender and bumper close, but just not the right color.

Here it is out of the paint shop (that is another story to itself) Paint work was excellent, service was not.

Here is a picture of the side that was damaged. As you can see no more dent in the hood. Also notice all one color. (that is what Lisa is most happy about)
Here is the hood scoop. Really does add to the appearance of the vehicle.
Final touches that still need to be done: Find and add rear spoiler, Re-pinstrip vehicle and Touch up little chips. Overall, Lisa and I are very happy with the way the vehicle turned out. And now with the rock-chips gone from her hood she plans on driving it a really long time.