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Who is this Badger guy anyway…?

Everyday one learns new things: there was a time I did not know that a badger's domicile is called a sett, not a warren (as with rabbits).

I am an actor and a paid-up member of the Screen Actors Guild and can be seen in various movies and a few commercials.

USANA Essentials for adults, Body Rox for teens and USANAnimals for kids: CLICK HERE to go to my site CLICK HERE to go to my dedicated USANA site I am a USANA Associate; optimizing mine own health as well as mine own earnings. Do check out the powerful opportunity involved (or e-mail me with your snail mail location and I will send you impressive information).

Recently while viewing the new USANA Health & Freedom video, two friends of mine (one of whom is a former Shackley distributor and the other a former Amway distributor who is currently taking the USANA Essentials and the LEAN LifeLong Foods weight management L·E·A·N Team Formula [with Advantra Z]) were both so astonished at the amazingly fair USANA binary compensation plan that they had to stop and rewind the tape to make sure they heard it right…!
With USANA's new and improved Sensé skin care line, even Mary Kay people are coming over to USANA!

I work as a freelance word processor and type about 60 WPM on Word 6.0. I also "offer" non-professional "financial advice" (see content list below for Off Shore information) and health and nutritional information. As with all advice, it is for informational purposes only. Do your own research (through that site).

National Association for Alternative Medicine

I no longer work for Kent Stryker (click here to see why). I had never wanted to be fired from a job as much as from that one I got my wish Friday February 25th.

With former girlfriend Kerian at my sister-in-law Trish and brother Alan's 1997 wedding reception My current Internet Provider is EarthLink, my having ran into serious hard drive (and tech support) problems with my previous ISP. Former girlfriend Kerian (seen here at right with me) also has EarthLink (and while currently does not have her site constructed, at least when it is the link is already here… ). While my web site for the longest time was over on CompuServe, as you can see my web site is now (mostly) on EarthLink.

Within my site I've even listed spots in here in which I personally have no direct interest, but they do correlate. So feel free to browse and read everything carefully: even in context over which you might normally skim or skip, you might suddenly say "HEY! I didn't expect there to be a link in here for that"

As before, there will be the periodic link updates, of course (when I come across more sites or some are provided to me, with which to create links). Due to such updates, particularly if you have visited here previously, I strongly recommend you Reload each page you've seen before.

Have a good time out in here and on the 'Net… and thanks for stopping by! As I love Researching Stuff, for me the 'Net is Home. If you need help finding anything else, you might want to try such meta search engine.

If any of the sites to which I've linked from within my site run you into a dead end, please feel free to let me know, and specifically which links and on what pages, so that I can correct them. Thanks!

Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again!
Blesséd Be!

Geoffrey Lawrence: Gould, natural born person, unenfranchised Freeman and Sovereign American National
(Oh and uh, this is not to be confused with the Media Misrepresented and Disinformational concept of being a Freeman thankyouverymuch)
However, this is not to say that I disagree with:

"Jeez, y'call this a web site…?"

Other Varied Badger's Sett site pages...

Home/Main Page | Acting | Commercial | Movies | Movies in which Badger appears
USANA nutritional information | ProSTEP information
Fun Stuff | Theatre | Arcane/Esoteric Stuff | Religion aka Spirituality
Free Relationship Sites: from Rated G tame to Rated PG adult to Rated R sexy to Rated NC-17 very adult oriented, check out these FREE "match making" sites…
P.I.L.L. Off Shore Trust Information | Income Tax is voluntary
Patriotism aka Politics | Public Servants are not Public Masters Dept.

Dead People Server - Settling Trivial Arguments...

Badger ( / Most Recent Update for this Page: 0108.18
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice UCC 1-207

USANA: currently the industry-standard for nutritional supplements, needed for optimum cellular health
Obtain the products through Badger at the lowest cost @ 10% below wholesale
Regain the nutrition which is missing and no longer available in everyday food
How healthy ARE you, really? Take this FREE Health Assessment

Be successful at your network marketing home business