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Becky's Pride Page
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Hi, I'm Becky, a twenty-something, semi-professional working in health care in Hamilton,ON., and at IKEA part-time as well (glutton for punishment ya say?) I went to Niagara college for Law & Security in 1990. It's a great program and a great school. I had a lot of fun. Then I went to Mohawk College (loser-ville), for the Law Clerk program. I currently live from paycheck to paycheck cause life is just too expensive (either that or I have expensive tastes!)I have a couple of pets who control every aspect of my life (but I love em anyway!)Here is Dudley...

I am a huge fan of Bette Midler and I'm thrilled she's got a sitcom. I love all techno/dance/electronica music (well, every kind of music actually). Garbage is my favourite band at the moment; same with Chantal K. I dabble in the arts and home renovations (just like making a mess I guess). I love photography by Annie Liebovitz and art by Thomas Kinkade, Howard Behrens and Renior. My ICQ # is 22389217 for anyone interested in chatting.

These are a few of my favourite things!

McMaster GLBT Group

Search Becky-Lynn Taylor
Grrltalk...A Guide to Lesbian Chat
OutProud:Resources for LGBT Youth and Education Providers
Hamilton-Wentworth PFLAG - my folks!!
Gaydaze Cool Links
The Other Queer Page

Canadian Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Resource Directory

Dyke's To Watch Out For
A Dyke's World
Lesbian Gay Bi Youth Line 1-800-268-YOUTH
The Advocate
GLB Symbols

Divinity: A Bette Midler Homepage
The Ultimate Band List: Bette Midler
Absolute Garbage
The Garbage Page
Natalie Imbruglia's Almost Official Page
Lush Links
Rosie O'Donnel Mega Info!


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"© BT Last Updated: August 2000"