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~ About me.... ~

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HI!! My name is Natalie, and I'm a 36-year-old single mum, living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

I was diagnosed with Cushings Disease on Wednesday, Jan 30, 2002, following two years of deteriorating health and increasing pains. I can now date symptons of Cushings back over five years.

The photos in the above applet are all pre-Cushings. The following photo is a more recent one - and not entirely flattering. Mum says that I don't look THAT bad, and the sticker on the face doesn't help! LOL

I was a student, having commenced an Associate Diploma in Naturopathy in 1987, and am a Qualified Massage Therapist, working from home until quitting due to lack of energy. For the record, too, I was employed in the Credit Industry for 15 years as a Business Information Reporter and Editor, and worked as a Teachers' Aide at the local Special School for a number of years (...just LOVE working with special kids!!)

Now... I work non-stop on 'mother' stuff, as do most mums (particularly Foster Mums!), and with four kids, four puppies, a cat, and no energy, that's enough to keep me busy for the moment.

I love to entertain or visit with friends, or get away for drives, especially to the mountains - my favorite local area being Binna Burra in the MacPherson Ranges (Lamington National Park)... Gold Coast Hinterland. Picnics... barbecues... a day by the river in the mountains... camping... country markets then a nice tea house... basically getting OUT of the city to somewhere open and scenic, and taking a nice walk or just relaxing out of doors, is my idea of a little break from the stresses of day to day life. Fraser Island is another 'favorite place to be'

Closer to home... I love dining out (anything *I* don't have to cook is fine with me!), some creative stuff - embroidery, sewing and crafty-card-making... WHEN time allows - plus ten pin bowling, listening to music, or watching a good movie... and, of course, chatting with friends on the puter!

A more recent interest, (and obsession for a short while),
is Folk Art Painting.
Care to take a look at a few pieces I did?

That's enough about me...Let's talk about YOU!
Contact me :-
ICQ : ¤NåTåLïE¤ : 38879209