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Pokemon Newspaper

Pokemon Cards

New players often tend to just attack every turn and don't think to far ahead. Reatreating is a good way to keep you alive during the game. Doing this may lead to death or victory! Making a deck that lets you retreat whith lighting efficiency like Switch,Gust of wind, and scoop is a big advantage. Rattata, and Doduo are excelent cards in any deck because they are colorless energy, so it can be played in any deck with any type of energy.Pokemon that deal damage to benched pokemon is a good answer if you can't find enough zero-one reatreat cost. Pokemon like Magnemite deal damage to pokemon cards on the bench.

Pokemon Yellow

In Pokemon Yellow Pikachu follows you around and he is a charachter.I think when you see Meowth translates what Pikachu is saying. There are 151 Pokemon in all. Pokemon Yellow should come out Oct.23, 1999.

Mewtwo's Revenge:Mewto Strikes Back

Good Movie. Ash dies but something returns his soul. Follwing the movie is Pikachu's Vacition The title explains it's self.Stand by for full review. 3 Stars

Pokemon Snap Rocks!

Pokemon Snap Rocks! It's really easy though. I beat it in under a day! But I am going to play it again and again.I give it 5 stars!!! Here are some screen shots so you can see if you like the graphics.

Written by: PikaPokemon

Edited by:The Conker Kid

HTML Code by:Pokemon Master

E-mail me if you have any questions or colums to add, You will get credit.