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What are we

=Poetry In Motion= is a group of friends
who care for & respect one another,
sharing a love for the game of Acrophobia,
having fun competing as part of Team Acro,
ever challenging one another to be our personal best,
committed to excellence in language & creativity.

This is where it all began.
We hope that Flipside will come to its senses &
rerelease the best online game ever made in the near future.
In the meantime, you can find us where
you don't have to fear acronyms anymore.

In the absense of Clssic Acro, download Acro here.

How's it done

=PIM= abides by the Acro Team Guidelines. We are a clean team that relishes the creativity, humor and intelligence in Acrophobia. We crave challege on a level playing field and these guidelines are the standards by which we play. Your efforts to achieve the same are expected in matches.

=Poetry In Motion= has elected to require exclusivity of its membership; therefore, no dual TA members will be accepted.   In addition, =PIM= does not use substitutes in formal competition & expects that neither will our opponents.

Utilize proper English. Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period
(or other appropriate single punctuation). No Headlining Please! No pandering for votes.
Do not combine words or use the "&", "+", "=", "@" or "$" in any match.

Proper punctuation is used stand-alone in its grammatically correct form. An ellipsis is comprised of 3 dots and is used to indicate a pause in speech or omission of words usually within a quotation. Colons introduce words that explain, amplify, exemplify or summarize what has preceeded.

Use word emphasis ONLY *when it makes sense* to do so.
Appropriately word emphasize with 'quotes', *asterisks* or CAPS. "Quotation marks" enclose direct quotations, words that require clarification or titles that are properly "set off."

Variation from the above rules could be misconstrued as cheating and is not acceptable fair play. In the event of a conflict during a match, private message your respective game captain. In addition, the /complain feature will be used only if a non-team member is rude or abusive.

Team Acro is a sport comprised of *teaming* individual performers; thus, =PIM= will schedule only cumulatively scored matches. Every =poet= contributes equally to the success of our team.
Be the best you can be, be a good sport and most importantly... have fun in all that you do!

Check this out

To view all of our tournament trophies, find your way to our closet (c:

Okay, so this is bogus award.  Inside you'll find out who the =poets= are.

For more of our hidden treasures,
click on the =Archives= section
to see the full play-by-play.
Also, pay a visit to our closet
to sneak a peek at our awards (c:

Want more info

Learn about all the Team Acro teams here.

Ground zero for any serious Acrophobe,Team Acro is where it all begins.

Want to get in motion?

To become a =poet= or get on our schedule, pen your thoughts to .

Make time to laugh each day!

A daily comic authored by one of our very own =poets=!

Visit the ultimate poetry links!

Tons of poetic things to experience here.

Submit poetry, cash prizes, daily Poetry In Motion contest too!

Challenge yourself to write great acros.  Come write in the =PIM= Autograph Book too (c:

Created 6/99 by Sirilyan & LuckySTAR*

Acrophobia was a service mark of Berkeley Systems, Inc.
The content on this site was created by an individual independent of Berkeley Systems, Inc.
The views expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of Berkeley Systems, Inc.