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I am one with Universal perfection....

Witch: The Beginning

Discovering the magickal world is breath-taking as you begin the exploration of your life.
I believe the basis to being a Witch is desire. You must desire the power to control your own life, to take responsibility for your actions. You must desire the outcome to gain strength for your search.
It is not something that is handed to you, or you can buy. You must find this within yourself, and you are alone in your search.
It takes focusing on your goals and work to achieve them.
To find this spirituality, all you need to do is desire it.

An open mind and faith are two of the things required of you as you begin. Perfect love and Perfect trust were never more appropriate.
You will encounter things that you may have been taught are bad or evil. But you will see with your new eyes that they are only truths that others don't want to see.
It is hard overcoming a lifetime of brainwashing, but it is very rewarding. An open mind recognizes that which cannot be measured as real. The magickal world opens other realms besides the physical one. Things that cannot be proven or touched with your hands, but they are there.
We can learn how to use them to help us. It takes much research and learning on your own.

There are guidelines that I (and every other person calling themselves Witch) follow.
The easiest thing to remember is this: to harm none.
There are other things are taught to us in the form of  The Rede, Principles of Belief, and  The Charge.

Magick is really very simple- it consists of our will and our desires. The stronger the desire for the outcome, the more powerful the spell.

The first thing to learn is Grounding and Centering. I have always heard "Woe to the Witch that doesn't ground and center", and I learned that firsthand!

After grounding, I recommend meditation. You have to learn creative visualization, or seeing something in perfect detail in your mind's eye, to be effective in your workings. Use meditation to get to know the Elements, which you will need for Circle Casting. A Witch always casts a circle before doing any magick. Not only to protect yourself, but to contain any power you raise inside.

So, You Want to be a Witch?


The Elements

Casting a Circle

Witches' Tools

A Witch celebrates 8 Sabbats in the turn of the wheel. Those are times that we celebrate the Seasons , honor the dieties, and remember our reasons for our Spirituality. We do rituals to keep the old ways alive by passing them on.


We live in tune with nature, the earth, the stars,and the universe. We love and harm none. We flow with life..we are life..we are the change, we are the people and we are the power.

So you want to do magick?

Sacred Space within myself..

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Updated 2 February 2010

22 October 1999