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Astrological sign of LIBRA

COLOR: Wide range of colors.

Opals foster love, passion, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional expressiveness, warmth, spontaneity and dramatic ability. Also associated with peace, and consciousness. Sometimes considered unlucky, only because people fear their emotional side. Opal is a very emotionally responsive stone.

It can be used to strengthen the memory, and to instill faithfulness and loyalty with respect to love, personal and business relationships.

It can be used to help one in becoming "invisible" where one does not want to be noticed. It brings on a quality of fading into the background.

It is also a stone of happy dreams and changes.

This mineral has been used to awaken both the psychic and the mystical qualities.

Opal has been used by the Native American Indian and the Australian aboriginal shamen to invoke visions.

It can be used to disperse infections, to purify the blood and the kidneys, and to regulate insulin production. It can also be used the treatment of disorders of vision and the eyes, to alleviate fevers, and to stimulate circulatory functions. It can be used to clarify and to strengthen the eyesight, to assist in the recovery from Parkinson's disease, and to provide comfort and ease during childbirth.

Vibrates to the number 8.

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3 june 2001