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Astrological sign of CAPRICORN

COLOR: A variety of colors, the most popular being RED or GREEN

Garnet is a "stone of health", removing negative energy from the chakras, and changing the energy to the healthy state.

It has also been known as a "stone of commitment"- to purpose, to others, and to oneself.

It both monitors and adjusts the flow of energy, providing for a balanced energy field around the physical body and aligning the emotional and intellectual bodies with the perfection of "All That Is".

It can be used to bring order to chaos. It emits an energy which can be used to stabilize.

It is an excellent stone for treating disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition, heart, lungs, and blood. It has been used in the treatment to balance sexual energies and to enhance the assimilation of iodine, calcium, magnesium, and Vitamins A, D, and E. It can help to both repair and prevent damage to RNA/DNA structures. It can be helpful in all conditions requiring regenerative forces.

Vibrates to the number 2.

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3 june 2001