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[Astrological Sign of Gemini - Elemental]
A multicolored precious stone that protects from deception and falsehood, and bestows eloquence, especially in declarations of love.

COLOR : Varied

There are several types of agates. Agate usually exhibits colored bands or other markings.

Provides for balancing yin-yang  [Yin is feminine and change and Yang is masculine and harmony] energy and for balancing of your physical side with your spiritual side. Stabilizes the aura and transforms and eliminates negativity.

Relieves stress and emotional pain.

Can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision. Provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones talents.

It has been reported to strengthen the sight, to diminish thirst, and to promote marital fidelity.

In historic times, it was placed in water for use in cooking and/or drinking in order to dispel sickness.

Agates in general combined with other stones and gems make for excellent magickal results. They are much like the binding runes as they provide an active link for the harmonious blending of several properties.

*In addition to the above properties common to the Agate family, specific types of Agates possess further qualities.

Stones and Crystals Index

Page created 22 nov 99

(Since 11 Mar 2000)