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Meditation: Journey to the Underworld

Meditation is the trip you can take to anywhere in your mind. You can visit your higher self there. You can learn much. The purpose is to calm the mind, open the spirit, allow one to look beyond the present events that keep us occupied, and to open us to the positive forces of the universe.

All that is required is to believe that this is going to work for you. Find yourself a quiet spot for a few moments uninterrupted.  Light a candle, burn some incense. Relax your body, and clear your mind of all conscious thoughts (this may take some time at first). Simply think of nothing, put on some music-any music-if that helps clear it away. Breathe deeply, let your mind slip into a semi-conscious state-let your higher self, or subconscious, take over. (You will enter the alpha state. This occurs when you are day-dreaming, watching T.V., or even eating.) Imagine a bundle of white light surrounding you and filling you with it's energy as you feel it's healing and soothing power. Now just pretend...picture anything or nothing. You are in control. If nothing happens, don't worry about it. If you continue to practice, it will happen to you eventually. Sometimes, life has been so restrictive that it is hard for us to let go, and it takes a little longer for us to get in tune.

Go with whatever comes to your thoughts. Ask for direction from the Divine. Ask for guidance from your spirit guide or spirit animal.  Flow like water. Listen and Remember. When it is time, and you will know, go back to the physical world. Do this as often as possible at first. This will help you in magickal workings, as you will need to attain the alpha state of mind quickly. Keep a journal of what you see and think about during your meditations. This will help you connect with yourself and the universe.


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Beliefnet: A Guided Meditation

The Chakras

Meditation 101: An Introduction to Meditation

The Temple