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The Elements:

Air, Fire, Water, and Earth

An element is recognized by one of our five senses. Elements have energies to be worked with and are willing to share their world with ours. Elements can be invoked. Below is a very short list of the elements, their direction, their elemental (a spirit that represents an element), their star, color, and their gifts. Witches use the elements in their magickal workings, so this is something you need to become familiar with.

AIR: The East.  The Sylphs. Aldebaran. Gold or Yellow. Intellect, the gift of the mind.

FIRE: The South.  The Salamanders. Regulus. Red. Creativity, passion, the gift of sparks and light.

WATER: The West. The Undines. Antares. Blue. Rebirth, transformation, the gift of wisdom from the ancients (the West is their Sacred direction).

EARTH: The North. The Gnomes. Fomalhaut. Green. "Everything comes from the north." The gift of stability and the energy of the Mother.

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