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-UPDATE 7/22 12:23:20PM

Today the site has been made public to the NCWA and I hope you all enjoy it I want feedback, I want what you like and didnt like, I want ideas and I want it all now! send to STING11003@aol.com Now the only thing that is not up as of yet is the Superstars page because what I am eventaully going to do is have a seperate page for each superstar with a short Bio and the titles he has won and so forth. Also Updates can be found here when you first get on the page, but, the updates for news and rumors are found in their respective spot, only updates about the webpage will go here. Thankyou, goodbye!

UPDATE 7/26 2:58:55PM

I am really working hard on this site, and I am hoping everyone pitches in a little with ideas, and especially news and rumors cuz frankly I used my best material on the 22nd, but I am sure their will be more rumors once I check my...sources. Anyway today is a big update day we have a bigger badder application for people to fill out not only to help the staff know how the wrestlers wrestle better but just so everyone has a better picture of who everyone is and it will always be up on the web once I get the Superstars section complete. Right now its just a list of our talent roster, plain and simple. Top 50, Top 15, Title History have all been updated thanks to Goggleman, all I had to do was transger information. I am currently running a chat room on AOL in "News, Sports & Finance - NcwaImMe4LinkFakeFed" and while I sleep, I am at work, and just messing around on the computer and not doing something important I should be getting more and more people to look at the site and hopefully get some new talent, I just leave my away message on with a brief note about the fed to make sure they are interested and then give them the link to the site to look over, its a pretty easy way to recruit, rather then stay in the chat room myself and recruit.. Tonight already in fact I have received a couple of applications and I am glad to see this website does have a pupose. I am trying to do my best for the fed, writing matches, making the web page, while of course handling my own charectar in the fed. Please take the time to vote for us on some of the Top 100, Top 1000 E-fed pages we have climbed above 30 on sereral of the 1-100 ones. And climbed already in the 300 in the two 1-1000 ones. I got rid of the big clunky banners at the bottom of the opening page and made an easy Voting section on the Naviation bar. Pretty nifty huh? Thats about it for web updates besides eventaully I am going to try and have some of the old results on this page so people can look back at the matches or so guests can see our results and see how much work we put into them. Any Questions/Suggestions/News&Rumors hit me up at STING11003@aol.com Thankyou and enjoy the webpage.