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Thanks for coming to see me,,,,,

Hello, and welcome to my homepage. I'm still new at this so please bear with me. First and foremost I want to give thanks to my Lord and Saviour without whom this page would not be possible. I have been blessed with a gift of poetry. ( or so I think ), so take a few minutes, check them out, and tell me what you think,,,,,,so come on, and welcome to my world,,,,,

Twist of Fate ,,,,, In You ,,,, Praises ,,,

Bits and Pieces ,,,, Bedtime Story ,,,, Can It Be ,,,, For You ,,,,

In Memory of Sheila ,,,,

Reality Check ,,,, Sail On ,,,, Secret Lovers ,,,,

Silence ,,,, Thanks ,,,, Untitled ,,, Friends ,,,,

In Memory of Will ,,,,

Copyright material 1992

and I did it all with,,,,
