Miscellaneous Cyber Sex Partners

naturally, I am my most common partner. Above: Just look at the anticipation on my face as I prepare to masturbate. My brother took this picture, right before I started to really get into a graphic scenario with a 13 yr old hottie from australia. Of course I made him leave the room first, what do you think I'm some kinda sicko??

Below are some people I talk to online almost every day it seems like. I met them on dalnet, using the Mirc chat program. It's not as lame as you'd think and I've run into a lot of interesting people with similar obsessions. It's pretty neat talking to people from all over the world. It's also nice being able to find someone to talk to at 5 am. Most of them live pretty far away which really sucks. Links below a pic means they have a homepage, probably snazzier looking than this one.


This is Ali, my twin sister. I know we don't look much alike, and she's 7 years younger than me, and she lives in Canada; but we're both vegan and skateboard and she has the raddest taste in music. Every band she's ever told me to check out has become one of my favorites. She sings awesome and if you ever call her, she'll tell you really funny stories about skool. I love her lots. She's one of the first people I ever talked to on mirc and she taught me how to do all kinds of neat stuff.


Today I met this cat, he said his name was Davey. He thinks that we're a lot alike and wants to be my friend... We seem to share a lot of common interests, mainly young girls. haha. He was also cool enough to contribute a poem for my zine.


Here's my sistuh Brooke. Talking to her always puts me in a good mood. She's really sweet and a good listener, even when she's having her own problems. I owe her. I trust her. Her sites have a bunch of her rad artwork and more ultra sexy pictures. Go there now.


This is Jason , he drums for the mighty band, Second Hand Human. They're really badass and highly original. If you're lucky you might be able to get a demo from him. Look for their mp3's on his site. J rules, when I go visit him we're gonna listen to oldschool Paris and Suicidal Tendencies and Iron Maiden. The bastard is in cali now, and he doesn't have a computer there but he will be back online from Texas this fall. Do you care?


Here is Alisia from Rome. Check out her site. She's currently working on an english version, the pics and design are phat. She's fucking awesome with HTML and gets $$$ to design websites.

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