sOme rAnDom sHit aBouT mE

Ok, guess I'll start at the beginning. My name is Eric. I was born July 19, 1976. I'm a cancer...basically a moody, loyal, packrat. I live in Edgewood, Maryland, about 35 miles south of where I grew up. I guess for the most part I like it here, tho occasionally I really feel like moving to another state. One thing that's nice is I've met a lot of people over the years and I run into someone almost anywhere I go. There's not much worthwhile around here to do in my opinion but play on the computer, skate, hike, and go to some local shows. I'm on the computer constantly but I don't really know much about them (as you may be able to tell from the design of this website). I work at a GAP warehouse about a mile from my apartment. I've been working there a little over 2 years. It's the longest I've ever stayed at one job. Pay and benefits are pretty decent and they don't give a shit about how I look so I'll probably be there for quite awhile. I work third shift now, 12:30am - 7:30am. Recently, I've only had to work about 20 hours a week (a big difference from 60-70 before Xmas), so the bills are tight, but I have a lot of "free" time. No matter how much time I have, I always feel busy or overwhelmed...I'm very obssesive about time, and I get pissed off if I sleep too often or waste it somehow. Overall, I'm enjoying life, but you might not be able to tell since most of the time I'm hiding in my apartment.

I've been out of highschool 5 years now. I find this very disturbing, and very much out of my control. I really haven't changed much over the years. I've skateboarded for 12 years now, and I still listen to the same bands I did back then too (i.e. Iron Maiden), but I'm constantly finding new shit I like, too. Since school, I've completed one year of college (doubt I'm going back), hung out with a lot of good people, worked several shitty jobs, been in a few bands. including Project:A, slacked off a lot, and tryed to escape responsibility in every one of its evil forms.

I like to spend a lot of time by myself. I have a lot of friends, but very few I see often or know well enough to really trust. I think I could be content to be a hermit in the woods, except I'd get really bored without my music and computer. I own a tv but I only use it for watching videos I have or playing video games. It's amazing to me how much fun I can have just drinking 4 cups of coffee and playing Twisted Metal 2. I listen to music all the time, it's a huge influence/inspiration/friend/reason to go on etc. You get the point. Check out some of the music I like that I was originally too lazy to list on this page besides a few bands in the links section.

Me and my brother Lucas, former contributor to RONG, and current gimpass. HAHA

I can't really tell you that much more about myself without writing a book, but I'll periodically update this section.

Ocean City, Maryland, 1998

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