Leap OF Faith Info Page

Robert is the Bass player for LOF!He is also really talented on a Tamourine. Robert has played bass about one and a half years. Robert play a Peavey Milstone 4 sting Bass. He plays it with standard tuning.

Is the talented guitarest who is getting better on his guitar and always wil be! He also has alot of rhythm on the drums. Cory has played guitar for about 1 and a half years. Cory plays a Harmony Guitar with standard tuning

The Conerstone of our band ! Jarrod is our talented drummer, who has been playing drums for 3 year. I think. He is also involved in the Chielfand High School Marching Band and is Drum Captian. I would have to say Jarrod is one of craziest members in our band.Jarrod plays a Pearl Professional Series 8 peice set.

Our very talented steven can sing and play at the same time!! Steven can also sing good and he does all our guitar solos. Steven has been playing Guitar for 2 years. Steven play a Ibnaz aucstic guitar.