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Jay's Bookstall

"A Contemporary Bookstore... the Classic Tradition"

is located at:

3604 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


PHONE: 412-683-2644
FAX: 412-688-8808

Monday - Thursday
10:00 - 5:30(EST)

10:00 - 5:00(EST)

10:00 - 3:00(EST)

(Closed Sundays)

We accept:

To enter Jay's Lists of Drama Titles
click here

Here you will find the quantities and titles
that are available from our stock at Jay's Bookstall
and will be sold for a limited time at 20% off
the retail price. All titles are new publications
and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

To enter "The History of Jay's Bookstall"
click here

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A World of books at your fingertips!

For price and availability,

Feel free to e-mail us

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