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Welcome To
Get Paid To Be Online-Index

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Welcome to 'Get Paid To Be Online-Index'

There are so many places and ways on
the Internet to earn money. I am
continually looking for more ways
to earn money while you are online.
Each 'paid' program is different
and has it's own set of rules.

I have tried to divide some of them
into different groups.
I will be constantly adding to and
updating these pages, so please add
this page to your favorites
and check back often.
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ViewBars That Pay

The Search Is On

The Survey Says...

E-Mails That Pay

Misc. Ways To Earn


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Please visit my other pages:

Inspirations by Iris
Terry, Bobby & NASCAR
My Home On The Web
Let's Laugh

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I got this bordered background from Backgrounds by Lilly

This page was created 11/30/1999, and is maintained by Iris Tinney
Just click my name to e-mail me.

Page last updated 03/18/00

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