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meet Santo...

On the night of August 31st 1997 I had received a message from Santo on my answering machine about getting together for a 2nd time for a band practice which would be held on the date of September 2nd 1997 with Santo- John- & myself.
The first band practice that we have had together was a great success on the night of August 22nd 1997, that we were ready enough to try againe so soon.
I had just tried out for the band on this night of August 22nd 1997- the newspaper personals had an ad for a singer/songwriter wanted, and I was the one to answer the ad.
Santo & myself had met for the first time ever on the date of August 3rd 1997, Santo & myself had exchanged cassettes of each others music- Santo had handed myself a copy of a tape which included Santo(on guitar) & John(on drums), ...(John was not present on this night of August 3rd 1997)- I then passed in return a recorded copy of my own vocals to Santo.
That was meeting number 1.

On the night of August 22nd 1997- Santo- John- & myself had our first band practice with the 3 finished songs, I can tell you One thing that comes to my own mind about that night... It was like we have been together for One year- We knew what we were doing- & all had been done well.
Santo- John- & myself... were like a family--- be it I had only met John that night.
That was meeting number 2.

So, once againe about the phone call that I had placed in return to Santo was on the date of September 2nd in the A.M. to confirm the meeting for that night...
I had dialed Santos’ phone number & then there was an answer of someone I had never heard before- this was Santos’ brother-in-law.
I had asked for Santo: in return I was asked who I would be & then to be told the knowledge of the passing of Santo Pani...
What to say- What to say.
I was shocked beyond anything I had ever heard in my entire life.
I had mentioned that I was calling to return a call I had gotten from Santo 2 days earlier about a meeting of the band on this night- but, it would never happen on September 2.
John had called me after he had found out about Santos’ passing- for a few minutes I had listened to John about the friendship of his own & Santos’- I knew they were best friends but, I didn’t know how bad of an impact this had hit John until the call.
John & myself had met once more on the date on a night that will always be inside our minds- the night we had to view Santo.
That was meeting number 3.

On this night John had gave me the knowledge that Santo & himself had came to the conclusion that I would be the new singer/songwriter that they had been searching for for the past 3 and a half years...
What to say- What to say.

I, of all persons do not really know where to begin my condolences- be it I have only known Santo since the day of August 3rd 1997.
This is such a short limit of Santo & myself in our time together on forming a musical band-
Even though in such a short amount of time- Santos’ passing has affected myself in a bad way also- I can not miss an hour, a day or a minute on asking why?- Why Santo?
So young & so thrilled with the things he & I have talked about.
This music of Santo- John- & myself may not be of your liking but, I would like anyway to share the moments, hours, sweat & hearts that we have injected into our music.

...this area is dedicated to my One Month Memory of Santo.