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Reviews & Editorials
Reviews & Editorials
Tons of those! And more to come!

There are so many, we need a whole mansion!


< >Ahh. Reviews and Editorials. My reviews about the books, editorials about certain happenings in the books, and more!!! Please note, I'm am very opinionated. And these are my opinions, NOT yours!

< >Hey! Do you want to write an editorial or review about Harry Potter - or some topic you just want to voice? Great! Go here to see how to submit them!



  • Editorial(s) about the romance going on between a bunch of people. :-)

    Nit - Picks

  • My nitty, nitty nit - picks!!! YAY!!!! . . . ::cough::

    James and Serevus

  • A thing I wrote on James Potter and Serevus Snape, mostly about their past - and my opinion about it.

    Fred and George

  • An itty bitty editorial that I wrote about these two Weasleys; mostly a nit - pick, but still . . . :-)

    The Religion of Harry Potter

  • I advise that if you are strongly against other people's views of religion, don't read this. It's very serious and straight forward.
    < >Also, it happens to be little messed up in format - working on it!!! - but the point is there in it's fullest.

    Sorcerer Review

  • My personal review on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!!!

    Chamber Review

  • My personal review on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!!!

    Azkaban Review

  • My personal review on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!!



