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Leaky Cauldron
Leaky Cauldron

< >Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron! This famous, little ol' place will lead you to Diagon Alley or Knockturn Alley!!! I do, however, advise that you be very careful when you visit Knockturn Alley, though . . .

< >Hope you enjoy!!! Oh, and if you got this huge warning, ignore it, but I say, don't download anything. I think I did something while I was working. Teehehe, I'm an evile person . . . well, maybe not . . .

< >Now dance to the Rocky Road to Dublin (looks at her cousin - that's what it was called! It does NOT sound like your version! ::sob::) or forever you shall be sane! BUWAHAHAHAHA! ::grin::


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Take the trip outside to . . .

<< Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley


Get Me Outta Leaky Cauldron!
I'm underage!!! I don't like taverns!!
I have another reason!!! ::cough::

