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Gran Turismo 1
  Under Reconstruction

Gran Turismo 2
  Under Reconstruction

Gran Turismo 3
  Under Reconstruction

Gran Turismo 4
  E3 Coverage


The GTC Returns...Maybe
I hope many of you like the new look of the site, whether I can get it off the ground again is another question. This site was a very big site back in the GT1/GT2 days, but with the fall of Xoom 's web hosting, I lost my host. And the only backup disks of the site that I had were damaged, so I lost the whole website. So I am basically left to start over from scratch, yea. I will continue looking for a decent host, but If I can't find one, I guess this will be the end of GTCentral. I have been planning on rebirthing the site, but have never got around to it. Well, here is the site, let me know what you think about it. Thanks, Gturismo1. And yes, I realize that the image has a typo, its supposed to be "We're Back" not "Were Back". Oh well, had no time to fix it.

    Gran Turismo Central 1999-2003