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Welcome to my site about female singer/songwriters. For some years I have been listen a lot to female artists so this is my tribute to all the female singers that I have enjoyed over the years. I am at this moment redesigning, updating and adding more stuff to this site. If you have some tips or ideas so e-mail me.


I start my introduction in the late 1980ies when there was a wave of female singer/songwriters that followed after Suzanne Vega had hit with 'Luka'. This would be the start of the wave that still are going on but the first after Suzanne Vega was Julia Fordham, Sam Brown, Sam Phillips, Melissa Etheridge and many others. After this first wave there has been every now and then new artist that has their debut album out some get lucky and gets a hit and other just fades away. One thing that I found interesting is that most artists get one hit that will sells their debut album, but their follow up album just don't get the same attention. One factor is that it doesn't have a hit song on it. Many times the follow album is better than the debut album but no airplay no sale.

Discovered new artists

There are lot of really good artist that makes records that you never heard of. I have been lucky to been contacted by some artist that made me notice them. I just want to let them all know that my site will always follow them with updates what is happening with them through time.

Recomended album right now:

Dar Williams - The beauty of the rain

Wynne Alexander - Knowing love by its absence

Featured artist

Heather Nova

Heather is writing new song to her new album that is planed to by out by late spring. The record will be really stripped down along the lines of the acoustic gigs Heather has been doing.


New artists
Artist guide


About Tori Amos, Julia Fordham, Doris, Aimee Mann, Beth Orton, Norah Jones, Wynne Alexander, Meredith Brooks, Abra Moore, Michelle Branch, and Heather Nova are on the way!

Dar Williams upcoming album, The Beauty of The Rain, features guest appearances by Alison Krauss for more info go to

Maria Mckee is releasing a new album in April 2003.

Shawn Colvin is about releasing a new album

Wynne Alexander will release her second album in early 2004

Liz Phair are recording a new album to released this year.

Goto news section for more information

Wynne Alexander

She has just released her first album called 'Knowing love by its absence'. Read more about the record and my review here.

Tiffany Randol

Somytime ago I listen to some of Tiffany Randol's songs. The only thing I can say is she has done some really good song. Check out her website for more info.

This page was last updated on 18 th of March,2003.
This site is a part of Fredrik's home on the web and this site has a sister site called A female artist guide.

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is owned by Fredrik Eklund.

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