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PrInCeSs VoDkA's HoMe On ThE wEb!!!

Welcome to my world!! Stick around for a while!!

Hey, my name is Lindsay, but if you know me, you already know that!! Well, welcome to my website!! I'm forever changing and adding things so keep coming back to see what's new!! Don't forget to sign the guestbook and the Slambook so that I know you were here!!! Enjoy!!

Update: WHAT'S NEW?!?! Ummm....News updates more often I suppose...ahhhh...not much else, I got rid of the martini cursor because it was a pain in the arse. Dig it? :)

ChEcK tHeSe OuT!!!

In My News!! This is where you can go when you want to know what is going on in the crazy life that I call my own! It should be updated somewhat daily so keep on comin back!!
Learn all about me!! This is where you can click to read useless information about me, things I like and don't like, etc!! I mean, I guess it might be interesting enough if you want to find out about me!!
My Pictures Yay!! My collection just keeps growing! I have more to put on, but no more web space so hang in there!!
Hey girls!!! Wanna see some hot guys??? OK, this would have to be one of my persoal faves!! These are some pictures of really sexy Abercrombie and Fitch models that were emailed to me!!
My Happy Page!!! OK, this is my page full of pictures of guys that make me happy!! He he's kinda getting outta control...I can't help it!! There's so many sexy guys! You'll wanna check this out!!
My Dedications Page!! This is a page where I make a seperate little dedication page to each one of my friends about something that they really like. I really love this idea, and they're all pretty different, so take a look!!
My Collection Page!! This page is really fun!!! It's a lotta stuff that I thought was cute or people made for me and such! If you have something you would like to donate, emaill me!!!
My Friends Page!! These are my friends. I've included a short but sweet little something about each and every one of them!!! They're not all on there yet, but I'll be adding more as I get the time!!!!
My Links Page!! These are my links. They are a feast for all the senses. Please feel free to peruse each and every site!!! You won't be dissapointed, I guarantee!!!

Sign/View My Guestbook!!
Ok, you know the drill, just PLEASE sign the guestbook so that I know that you were here!!

Thanks for looking around!!! Come back sometime!!!!

View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!

Preserve Pacey--Join 
The Movement

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