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My Nephew, Kyle

Saturday, Oct. 14th/2000

It was great spending the
afternoon with Kyle today.
Since he started grade 1,
I haven't spent as much time
with him as I used to.
I miss him so much!
So, we went to McDonald's for lunch,
toured the Dollar Bin,
stopped along the highway and
bought some corn stalks and a bale of hay
to decorate the front of my house with!
And, of course, we were singing in the car.
We are a perfect duet to "Larger Than Life" by
The Backstreet Boys!
Hey, auntie is HIP. haha.
Kyle sure is a special boy.
He is so patient with me as I
constantly take his picture!!
Isn't he adorable?

It was a cool day, Kyle
Let's do it again, soon!
Love, Vicki

I let Kyle take some pictures
with my digital camera today.
One of the pictures he took is now
the background of this page!