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The Delightful Degu

Hey, it has certainly been a while since I've updated anything on this website, but since I have a new computer I figure that this website could also use a face lift- which it definatley has gotten. Check out updates for complete information on that.

Secondly, I've removed most of the dialogue at the beginning of this page, as well as the degu webring which had only two webpages on it. I already belong to two webrings, and most degu pages belong to them as well- even if it could mean a bit of searching. However, if any more interest is shown (by webmasters) I'll definately put it up again :)

The final additions that I've made to this website is the option of signing up for a free degu web based email address. It would be   you can click here for more information or to sign up, Current users can use the form to the left to log into their account.

If you see something interesting don't be shy- click away.


INFORMATION -General introductory info.
HOUSING & ENTERTAINMENT - Information on housing and playtime for degus.
BEHAVIOR - How degus behave.
FOOD - What to feed your degus.
GENERAL CARE - Caring for your degus.
STORIES - Short stories and anticdotes about degus.
DEGU ILLNESSES - Their causes and remedies.

HAND FRIENDLY TIPS - Some tips on how you can tame those wilder degus that have not been held that much.
THE DEGU CHECKLIST- Helps you figure out exactly what you need to find at the pet shop and approxamatly how much everything costs. VERY handy and there is a cool print-out version.
LINKS - Links for degu pages among other things.
ALL ABOUT ME- Learn a little about yours truly.
ANATOMY - Learn about the internal and external anatomy of the degu, including pictures of the brain, and x-ray images of degus.
The Pet's Bill Of Rights- An interesting little piece of literature that pet owners should keep in mind whether you own a degu, a cat or a llama (hey- somebody might. . . . .)


I completely revamped this website. See updates for complete details.
Also, you can now get a free email address for life! Check out this page for more details, or use the form at the top of the page to login if you are an existing user.


October 9th 2000- This website has gotten a total makeover. The frames have been removed in favor of a new navigation system. I have divided the website into three sections: Introductions, Care and In Depth Info, as well as,  a complete site map to all of the sections. All navigation links can be found at the very top of the page. Also, the behavior page as been completed (yes finally!) and there have been some pricing updates to the checklist.
March 4th 2000-
I finally got around to updating this website! My life has been real hectic lately so this relaxation is a well needed switch. I updated or edited just about everypage to some degree so take a look.
October 10th 1999-
Bulwinkle is declared a girl with 6 babies for proof. (Of course the pet store will still probably argue that one *smile*)
September 7th 1999-
The Pet's Bill Of Rights is added and this whole website gets a makeover including a facelift (new background color), and a new personality(frames).
Augest 29th 1999-
The Degu Illness page is added, and most pages are updated.
Augest 28th 1999- More links are added to the Links Page, and the page "All about me" is added.
Augest 25th 1999- General Care is added and the Checklists are updated. A guestbook is added.

You can email me at to submit anything or to ask questions et cetera.
Stories, links, pictures and hand-friendly tips would all be apprieciated and will be credited to you.