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My Arthritis Story

Angel with Kitten
I usually try to keep my pages shorter, however, I don't think that I can tell my arthritis story without going into a little bit of detail. The reason why I have decided to share my story is because it reveals all that the Lord has brought me through. In the same way, He will see you through whatever trials you may be going through. I hope that you will consider taking a minute to read my arthritis story and see how the Lord has been by my side each step of the way. Through the years it has been His power alone that has sustained me.

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Looking back, I would say that it all began when I was a young child. I can remember laying in bed at night and wondering why my legs hurt so bad. I would wake up the next day and feel fine. Therefore, I never thought too much about it. I just knew that sometimes my legs hurt but it really wasn't bad enough for me to worry about. There were also times when my neck would get so stiff that I can remember my Mother wrapping hot towels around me. I figured that I must have slept wrong so this didn't seem so unusual to me at the time. I can also remember sitting in class in the 4th grade and wondering why my vision was so blurry. I also started to notice that I was seeing floating spots similar to what people see when they stare at a bright light and then look away. Soon after that, I got glasses but I still had a lot of eye problems like pain, tearing, floating spots, etc. Aside from my blurred vision, Doctors couldn't find anything else wrong with my eyes. Therefore, I figured that my symptoms were probably allergy related.

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As I got into my early 20's I began to notice occasional painful shooting sensations in my back. They would come and go so quickly that over time, I just got use to them. They were fairly infrequent so I didn't take them all that seriously. Then one day when I was 24 years old I remember walking across my livingroom floor when suddenly it was like someone had just stabbed me in the back. My first thought was that I had a ruptured disk. Despite the fact that I could barely move, an MRI revealed that my discs were just fine. Doctors told me that I had a bad back and that I needed to learn to live with the pain. This episode of pain lasted for about one week and then I was fine again for several months. As the years went by, I began to have periods of pain followed by periods of remission. Eventually, I ended up with chronic back pain and occasional neck pain. All the while, my eyes continued to cause me problems. They were so sensitive and uncomfortable and about twice a year I developed infections in them.

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By the time I was 30 years old it was becoming impossible for me to wear my contact lenses comfortably. Therefore, I went back to wearing glasses even though I hadn't worn them since the 5th grade. Naturally, I saw many doctors during all of this time. Each one of them seemed to have a different diagnosis. I was told that I had fibromyalgia, lumbago, back strain, and even spinal defects. I was told that my back was out of alignment and needed to be adjusted. I've been in physical therapy, seen Chiropractors and Osteopathic spinal manipulators. I've worn a wedge in my shoe to correct a misdiagnosed leg imbalance. This only made my back hurt worse. I've tried many different kinds of medications, heat, ice, ointments, massage, etc. I've tried stress reduction, magnet therapy, braces, exercise, and even weight training to strengthen my back muscles. In short, you name it and I've probably tried it.

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Finally, when I was about 33 years old I saw a Rhuematologist who based on all my symptoms, x-rays and blood tests, diagnosed me with Ankylosing Spondylistis. As I began to read about this condition, suddenly everything began to make sense. The onset of this disease is typically around 24 years of age and symptoms can manifest in people much sooner. Eye problems are commonly associated with this type of arthritis also. According to my doctor, the majority of people afflicted with A.S. were thought to be men but in recent years doctors have discovered that women get it also. I am aware of several women who have been diagnosed with it and my Father has it too. Although there is a genetic predisposition, anyone can develop this type of arthritis. Thankfully, I now have a doctor who does a pretty good job of treating my symptoms. I am also involved with an A.S. support group which has been a great help to me. It always helps to have the support of others who are going through a similar experience.

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Living with back pain or any other kind of pain can be very depressing, discouraging and worst of all disabling. Lying flat on my back, I have spent much time in prayer. Simply put, I know that I can't get through the day without the Lord's help. I have come to marvel at how He always seems to restore my hope for a brighter future. Nobody else but me knows the degree of pain that He has seen me through. I only emphasize this so that you may know just how great His sustaining power really is. I have come to believe that healing is often a process. I believe that each person has their own individual pathway to healing. As we seek the Lord's wisdom we can discover the best way to treat our conditions. It says in Ecclesiastes 3:3 that there is a time to heal. I know that one day we will all walk in divine health. In the meantime, it is my prayer that healing will come quickly to those who are battling with sickness of any kind.

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Today there are many different things that I do to treat my arthritis. Along with exercise and taking anti-inflammatory medication I am also seeing a Nutritionist who is a trained Herbalist. She believes that God intended for us to use plants on this earth as a means of attaining healthier bodies. I have always wanted to try herbs and I have always known that my diet needs adjusting. Therefore, I am excited about working with someone who can give me expert advice in these areas. I am happy to pass along to you all that she has taught me. You can find this information if you go to my HERB pages.

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In closing, I want to thank you for reading through my arthritis story. I consider it a testimony of the Lord's grace, strength, mercy, and sustaining power. It has been in the midst of my pain that I have developed a much closer relationship with Him and I have found that nobody can take care of me as well as He can. I am very thankful to Him for His presence both yesterday, today and always.

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If you are would like information
regarding various forms of arthritis,
the following links may interest you.


The following link will take you to my page
dedicated to supporting people with chronic
pain or illness and also my page devoted
to helping people manage and treat pain.



Click here for a complete list of my pages


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