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Bar Jokes

Page Eight

1. This guy comes into a bar and orders three separate shots of Irish whiskey. He downs one, engages in casual conversation with the bartender, eventually finishing the other two. This goes on for a few days and the bartender finally says, "You know, I can put all three shots in one glass for you."

The other gentleman replies, "No, I prefer it this way. See, I'm very close to my two brothers. They're both in Ireland now and this represents a drink for each of us. This way I can be closer to them and feel like we are all having a drink together."

The bartender agrees and continues to set them up as requested.

This goes on for several months, and then one day, the guy orders two shots. Well the bartender begins to worry that maybe something has happened to one of his brothers. He's gotten to know this guy over the month and finally feels it necessary to ask.

"Is everything all right?" the bartender asked.

"What do you mean?" replied the gentleman.

"Well," the bartender said, "all these months you've ordered three drinks. Now you've only ordered two. Something didn't happen to one of your brothers, did it?"

"No," the gentleman replied. "They are okay. It's just that I quit drinking."

2. A skeleton walks into a bar: "I want a beer and a roll of paper towels".

A skeleton walks into a bar: "I want a beer and a mop".

3. 99 guys walk into a bar the 100th ducked

4. A giraffe walks into a bar. Bartender asks "what can I get you."

The giraffe says "Get me a beer. I all ready had two hi-balls."

5. A guy walks into a bar with a little yellow long-nosed, short-legged dog under his arm.

"That's one ugly dog," says another patron while petting his Doberman.

"Heh," says the guy, "but he's a mean little SOB."

"That so" says the other patron, "bet $20 my dog will kick his ass in less than two minutes"

The guy agrees and they put there dogs face to face, and each gives the command to attack. In the twinkling of an eye the little yellow dog bites the Doberman in half. The Doberman's owner is crying and cussing, and screams "What kind of damn dog is this?"

"Well" says the guy, "before I cut off his tail and painted him yellow he was an alligator."

6. A black man walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says "Hey - that's neat - where did you get him?"

The parrot responds "In Africa - there's millions of 'em."

7. A gorilla walks into a bar and orders a cold one. The bartender gives it to him and says "that'll be $25." A minute later making conversation the bartender says "We don't get many gorillas round these parts"

The gorilla replies "I'm not surprised at those prices"

8. There was a Jew and a Chinese sitting at the bar drinking. All of a sudden the Jew turns and punches the Chinese in the face knocking him off his stool, stunned the Chinese gets up and says, "What the hell was that for?"

The Jew replies, "That was for Pearl Harbor."

The Chinese says, "That was the Japanese, I'm Chinese."

The Jew says, "well you have black hair squinted eyes and buckteeth, it's all the same to me."

The Chinese says "Okay" and sits on his stool and continues drinking.

About a half hour later the Chinese turns and punches the Jew in the face knocking him off his stool, the Jew gets up and says, "What the hell was that for?"

The Chinese says "That was for the Titanic."

The Jew replies, "The Titanic? That was an Iceberg."

The Chinese says, "Iceberg, Goldberg, Steinberg, it's all the same to me."

9. A man walked into a bar and met a very attractive young woman. He bought her a couple of drinks and things were going great. He went into the men's room to take a leak and a man approached and said: "You know that..uh...lady you're with?...She's got one twice as big as that little skimpy wiener of yours!"

Our man wasn't sure if this was a line of crap or really true. After all he had seen some incredibly good-looking "he-shes" on Geraldo. Far from being upset, however, between his latent tendencies and the alchohol in his system he was intrigued and turned on by the possibility he was actually with a man. He became more and more obsessed with a desire to find out, and was pleased when "she" agreed to a ride in his car when the bar closed. Shortly after they took off "she" said, "We need to pull over, I need a restroom stop."

"Me too!" he said, "This beer is going right through me." She suggested a deserted road up ahead that was heavily wooded and dark where they would not be bothered. He eagerly agreed and each took off behind a tree. His curiosity became more and more compelling, so after relieving himself he snuck up behind her. Lo and behold! In the dim light he could faintly see the outline of 2" in diameter x 10" in length hanging down between her legs!! At this point he was totally overcome with lust and could not contain himself. He snuck up behind her and suddenly grabbed hold as hard as he could!!

"Oh!! I didn't know you were back there!!" she said.

"Oh dear!" he said, " I didn't know you were doing number two!!"

10. A mouse and a lion walk into a bar, and they're sitting there chugging away at a few ales when a giraffe walks in.

"Get a load of her" says the mouse, "I fancy that!"

"Well, why not try your luck?" says the lion.

So the mouse goes over to the giraffe and starts talking to her, and within five minutes they're out the door and gone into the night.

Next day, the lion is in the bar drinking away, and the mouse staggers in. And I do mean "staggers". The mouse is absolutely stuffed, worn out, ruined, an ex-mouse (and no, it wasn't Ex-Mouse Eve ).

The lion helps his pal up on to a stool, pours a drink down his throat and says "What the hell happened to you? I saw you leave with the giraffe, what happened after that? Was she all right?"

The mouse says "Yeah, she was really something else - we went out to dinner, had a couple of glasses of wine, and she invited me back to her place to spend the night. And oh, man! I've never had a night like it!"

"But how come you look like you're so exhausted?" asks the lion.

"Well" says the mouse "between the kissing and the screwing, I must have run a thousand miles!"

11. A Chinese man walks into a bar and seats himself in front of the Afro-American Bartender. "Get me a jigger, Nigger!" he says. The = bartender asks him to repeat the request which he does.

The bartender says, "You know, Man, I understand that in this position, dealing with drunks and all, I can expect a certain amount of flak, but, hey, I think you're over the line, Man. Tell you what, let's trade places. Here put this apron on and get back here."

The Chinese dons the bartending apron and goes behind the counter. "Get me a drink, Chink!" says the Afro-American.

"Ah! So velly solly....can't serve nigger!"

12. A man walks into a bar one afternoon and says to the manager, "I see your sign 'Piano player needed,' and I want you to know I'm your man. I packed them in down there at the Cadillac Club until the IRS shut the place down. Not only that, I write ALL my own material so you won't ever have to worry about paying royalties to ASCAP or BMI."

"You see the piano." said the manager, "Play me a tune." The piano player rocked out with a boogie-woogie that had the manager stomping his feet. "That was great," he said, "What do you call it?"

"I call it 'Let me Fuck you in the Ass Until your Hemorrhoids Bleed!'" said the pianist.

"Well," said the manager, "uh....that certainly is an unusual name for a song. Let's hear another one."

The piano player played a haunting melody that brought tears to the manager's eyes it was so beautiful. "What do you call that tune?" said the manager.

"I call it 'Open your Mouth Wide and Swallow it ALL When I Come.'" said the pianist. The manager replied, "Your playing is great, and I'd like to hire you, but would you be terribly offended if I asked you not to announce the titles to your compositions?"

"Not at all," replied the pianist, "You pay, I'll play."

That evening, the crowd went wild when the piano player did his first set. When they finally let him take a break, he rushed to the john for a long overdue piss. On the way out, one of the patrons button-holed him and said, "Wow! you play great!! But tell me, do you know your fly's open and your penis is hanging out?"

"Know it? HELL...I wrote it!"

13. A gay man was traveling through Wyoming when he walked into a bar in a little cowboy town one afternoon and was surprised to find it deserted. "Where ith everybody?" he lisped.

"Down at the hanging at the town square." was the bartender's reply.

"Oooh...I've never seen a hanging," said the gay man, "How do I get there?" The bartender gave him directions, and, an hour later, the gay man returned---rather shaken. "What did that poor boy do to deserve such a fate?" he asked.

"He was a fucking fag." replied the bartender.

The gay man drew himself up, "NO SHIT!!!" he said in a deep booming voice.

14. A man walked into a bar and asked the bartender if he had ever heard of a wild neighborhood character named "Eldorado."

"Certainly," said the bartender. "Last Wednesday he came by at noon drunk out of his mind. He had a loaded revolver and he made me drop my drawers down to my ankles. Next he made me squat down and shit on the floor. Then he made me scoop it up with my hands, and THEN... he made me eat it! But after I was through eating my own shit, his attention lapsed and I was able to get the gun away from him. I made HIM drop his drawers, I made HIM shit on the floor, and, finally, I made HIM scoop it up and eat it. ask me 'Do I know Eldorado?' Hell! I had lunch with him just last week!" from Don Lewis from Austin Texas

15. A man walked into a bar and sat down next to a man with a dog at his feet. "Does your dog bite?" he asked.

"No." was the reply. A few minutes later the dog took a huge chunk out of his leg.

"I thought you said your dog doesn't bite!" the man said indignantly.

"That's not my dog." was the answer.

16. A drunken polish guy walks into a bar and puts his money down and orders a bourbon. Several minutes go by and suddenly the drunken polish guy leans over and tells the bartender "hey, theres a gorilla at the other end of the bar." The bartender replies "that's my pet gorilla, Mable."

"I never knew anybody who had a gorilla for a pet" replied the Polish guy.

The bartender then tells the customer "watch this" and calls out "Mable, get over here." Mable comes over to the bartender and while standing in front of the bartender, the bartender reaches behind the bar and grabs a hammer, hits Mable in the head with it. Mable drops to her knees, pulls down the bartenders zipper, takes out his penis and starts sucking it.

The drunken polish guy is in total shock and exclaims "I never saw anything like that before."

The bartender then tells the pollock "You want one."

The pollock tells the bartender "Ok, but don't hit me in the hard so hard."

17. Two guys walk into a bar and are scamming for two legged females.

The first guy says, "Hey check out the blond over there. I bet she's really hot in bed!" He procedes to go over and makes small talk with her. Before long they both leave for a one nighter.

The next day, the two guys meet up and are again scamming for anything that breathes. The second guy goes over to the same blond, pinches her in the rear and were off for a quickie. Fifteen minutes later, the second guy comes back and compares notes with the first guy.

The first guy says, "I think my wife is better."

The second guys nods his head and says, "Yeh, your wife is better!"

18. A guy walks into a bar and sees a large old dusty horse in the back corner with a large bucket of money next to it. The guy strolls up to the bar and asks the bartender what is the deal with the horse and the bucket. "You go back there, put a dollar in the bucket, tell the horse a joke and try to make it laugh. As yo can by the full bucket, no one can make it laugh" replies the bartender.

"Ok" says the man, and he goes back, puts his dollar in the bucket, leans over to the horse and whispers in it's ear. Well the man hasn't even straightened up the horse just laughing! the man picks up the bucket and proceeds to walk out of the bar, all the while the horse just can't contol itsef from laughter.

2 weeks pass and the same man comes back to the same bar and sees the same horse in the back corner, still with a smile on its face and again a large bucket of money next to it. The man asks the bartender "what, no one else has made the horse laugh??"

The bartender replies "Are you kidding? We can't get the horse to stop! The new prize goes to anyone that can make the horse stop laughing."

"Great" says the man, and he walks over towards the horse. The horse, seeing the man coming, starts to chuckle and snicker out loud, trying to again contain itt's laughter. The man gets himself infront of the horse in a way that no one in the bar can see him, and the horse just looks saddend and just starts crying. The man again picks up the bucket and starts to head out of the bar.

"Wait a minute" yells the bartender. "First we couldn't get the horse to laugh, then we couldn't get it to stop! What did you tell that horse?!"

"It was simple" said the man, "2 weeks ago I told the horse I had a bigger dick than him, and today I showed him!"

19. A regular walks into his bar, looking blue. The bartender starts setting up his usual, and our man, Dave, says "No, no - just a glass of milk."

Taken aback, the bartender asks what the hell has goten into him? Dave responds, "Well, my wife told me that if she catches me cominghome late & drunk after I've thrown up on myself one more time she'll divorce me! And this time she means it. I'm blue ..."

"Hey - no problem!" The bartender says, as he starts setting Dave up again.

"Do you have any big bills on you?"

"Well, sure - just got paid."

"OK," says the bartender, "drink all you want and rolf like you usually do, and when you get home & she bitches, show her a $50 bill and tell her someone threw up on YOU, then offered to pay for the shirt!"

What a great idea, Dave thinks, & starts knocking them back.

Later that night, when Dave gets home late, drunk, and having thrown up on himself, the wife meets him at the door screaming: "Damnit Dave - I've told you! That's it ... !"

"Wait! Wait! It's not me! Some drunk threw up on ME and gave me this $50 bill to pay for my shirt!"

She yanks the money out of his hand. "Dave, this is a $100 bill."

"Well," Dave replies, "that same drunk shit my pants as well."

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