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The Dark Elf

::The shadows part and before you appears a cloaked figure. You see beneath the cloak a figure covered in black armor. The boots which cover the feet are tipped with silver and heeled with spurs. Hanging from one hip is a sword which glows with a light blue magical aura. One gloved hand rests upon the hilt. The other hand holds a helmet fashioned in the shape of a dragon's head. The chest bears a silver medallion in the shape of a circle wich contains a helmet bearing dragon wings and a dragon tail. As you continue to look up you notice the piercing blue eyes which have cat slits in the center. The forehead and nose ridge of this creature looks like a dragon's spine. His hair is the darkest black you have ever seen. The ears are pointed and you can see the fangs as he opens his mouth to speak. His voice commands attention.::

I am Galivar Knightwulf, Prince and last of the Dragon Clan of elves. I have a story to tell you, the reason that all Humans should be eliminated. If you wish to hear my tale, then follow me. If not, go speak with the Gargoyle Rowen, she likes to talk...

::The figure turns and re-enters the shadows from which he came, leaving only the his impression of nobility.::

The Destruction
Gargoyle GOddess
