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Oh, what a magnificient animal. It is defined as a mythical animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse, the hind legs of a stag, the tail of a lion, and a single horn in the middle of the forehead. The Unicorn's horn, because of its fabled purity, was a popular ingredient for medicines. It was also considered strong protection against poison. Unicorn's are found throughout world legends. It was once considered native to India and was reportedly seen throughout the world. Pure white, it has been used as a symbol of virginity. Hunting the unicorn was a subject in the late middle ages and Renaissance.

"Artist: Sue Dawe"

"...Well, now that we have seen each other," said the Unicorn,
"If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you."
------ Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

"Artist: Sue Dawe"

"Artist: Clyde Coldwell"

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