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And Now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.   ~Acts 5: 29,30~

'Don't Do It'


If you are thinking about suicide ...

Don't Do It.


It might not turn out like you think ...

Don't Do It.


Think of the ones you'll leave behind ...

Don't Do It.


Talk about it - Seek Him - there's Help ...

Don't Do It.


Things will change - it Will get better ...

Don't Do It.


Don't live in the moment - live for tomorrow ...

Don't Do It.


Think of the smiles you'll miss,  the touch and the kiss ...

Don't Do It.


Think of the hands that hold you ...

Don't Do It.


Remember He Loves You,  He'll Pull You Through It ...

So Please,  Don't Do It!





'His Helping Hand'


We wonder why they leave us
Why they have to die.
We have all these questions
We always wonder why!

I'm glad that I love them
I think you will agree.
All the pain and grief is worth it
To have them as family!

The choice isn't ours
To this we must adjust.
Remember - we are in His hands
In Him we must trust!

Although we get lonely,
We have to travel on down the road.
God is always there to help us
Carry our heavy load!

We wonder why they have been taken
Why we have been left behind.
For everything there is a reason
Comfort from this shall we find!

If we give our words in prayer
And we walk through out this land.
We will never be alone
For He gives us His Helping Hand!







'Still A Way'


By myself, yet never alone I know
Cause there's still away, I can reach out to you.
You're in my head, you're the beat in my heart that pounds
Your love remains, if I look around.

There's still away - still a way to reach out to you
There's still a way - still a way to look up to you
There's still a way - still a way to talk to you
There's still a way - to say I Love You.

You'll always be, alive in my heart you know
Our love was strong, and I still love you so
You're resting now, safe at home in Gods land
I go on with my life, still you hold my hand.


You're all around, you're the picture with eyes alive
You're the one I see, when I look at the bluest sky
You're by my side, urging me to carry on
You're the reason why, I feel love so strong.


I close my eyes, and I dream of the days we shared
I cry my tears, knowing it's the past
As I open my eyes, I see you more clearly now
You'll always be, a part of me.

There's still a way - still a way to reach out to you
There's still a way - still a way to look up to you
There's still a way - still a way to talk to you
There's still a way - to say - I love you!

~For my brother -© pjc - 93 (set to music)



'Think About It'


What would you do if you were told,
"You only have six months to live!"
Would you ever lose hope of beating those odds?
Would you ever laugh or smile again?

Would you pray to God above you,
To take you or to let you stay?
Would you value your life a little more?
Would you be thankful for each new day?

Would you reach out to others,
And let them comfort you?
Or would you stay deep within yourself,
As some people often do?

What would you want to be remembered for?
What have you done with your life?
Would you try to change it all now,
Or would you know, you have lived right?

Does it really matter, how many days we live?
Isn't what really matters, how we live our days?
Think About It
While there's still time to change your ways!

© pjc-93



‘I Pray’


I Pray, that you will find life,
All that you want it to be.
I Pray, All your dreams come true,
Dreams That Become Reality.

I Pray, that all you hope for,
Comes within your reach.
I Pray, you live your life,
Just As The Scriptures Teach.

I Pray, Your faith will stay with you,
Wherever you may be.
I Pray, God watches over you,
For All Eternity.

I Pray, You know that you can have it all,
All you want to achieve.
I Pray, You understand the reason why,
In Him You Must Believe.

I Pray, that you will follow Him,
That He fills your heart with Love.
I Pray, You know where Love comes from,
A Gift From Up Above.

I Pray, that you will talk to Him,
Tell Him all you're hoping for.
I Pray, You trust in Him,
He'll Open All Closed Doors.

© pjc-93



Background graphics by MaCo