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The Bunnis' Den

Come visit my other site, in the works!
Grimly Fiendish

Welcome to The Bunnis' Den!!

:) Thanks first of all for coming to check my page out.... It's really in its infancy, and I promise it will be something worth seeing once I really get the hang of this HTML stuff. In the meantime, lemme just introduce myself. I'm Cassi. I'm Canadian (and not happy about it), this is my page. I'll be updating it frequently, adding pix, links and what have you, but for now I'm just learning the ropes. I'm big into art, music, horror, faeries, poetry, fun fetish stuff *wink for my bunni*, dancing and singing in the shower (and in my car!).... I love orange things, and chocolate! And bunniz. Oh yeah, I am also The Queen Demon Bunni Cassiopeia - and don't you forget it!! Hee hee. When I think of more brilliant things to add, you'll be the first to know!! So come visit from time to time and I hope you're not disappointed!!!

Nice to meet you!

ME! Remember this ol' thing? I guess I took the old pic down because Crow said he didn't really like my hair at that time. So you'll all just have to put up with this old thing, the one that everyone is probably completely sick of by now. :) Tough. Hee hee.

My Inspiration

This is a semi-recent pic of my beautiful son, Jordan Allystair, and MOI (my hair is a dark auburn colour now and a bit longer)- I just wanted to show him off. He is my inspiration. In fact, all the times in the last 6 years that I have doubted myself, he's the reason things worked out after all. I want to be the BESTEST mommy in the whole world!!

My Beautiful Bunni!

This is Tristan, MY BUNNI!!!! My very best friend. He is so wonderful and I am so grateful to have him in my life. He is absolutely the sweetest man I have ever known, and I would go to hell and back for him. I don't know what the future holds... but I do know that he will always be very special to me. Oh, and Bunni? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!


This is my kittie, Ophelia. She is very much a part of my family.... She's still as small as she was when she was only a few months old! And "muchka" is prolly the improper spelling of the hungarian word for cat! Hee hee. I'm just a woman of the world ya know!!

New Addition!

This is our newest member of the family, Clive! Ophelia has really taken to him, and he's fitting in quite well with my little family set-up here ... He's a polydactyl! That means he has 6 toes on each of his front paws, and well, since he's part of the Bunni Family, he's a freak by default. :)


"Infinite" (for Adrienne)


This is a series of a few of my drawings. I wanted to see how they would look on the web - so why don't you tell me what you think?? So far I have received several requests for tattoo design - and I plan to make my "customers" happy!! Currently I am working on a new drawing for another friend. As I finish more, I'll post them, and eventually I hope to auction my finished, plaque-mounted drawings via this page.... Whaddya think??

I drew on my hand. Hee hee.

I just wanted to put this up temporarily to show you guys what kinda stuff I want to do once I get into tattooing. :) This is what I drew on my hand the other day with henna ink. I'm silli.

Come back and visit soon! MOOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! (Big Bunni smoochi for you!) Bubbye! :)

This many people have come to pet the bunnis!

Who's slammed me? Slam me baby!

Leave Your Pawprints in The Snow!

questions? comments? e-mail me at :)