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Radio Direction Finding Research

by David Campey


KQ6EO Ham Links
RDF & Antenna books
Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society - Index
Shrunken Quad Updates
Strategies for Processing Azimuth Data
Will-burt; Radio Direction Finding; DF; RDF; Surveillance Equipment at Direction Technology Incorporated

Amateur Radio

BMG Engineering:
Radio Direction Finding, RDF, T-Hunt, Fox Hunt, Bunny Hunt, SuperDF home page.
Good tutorial material on DF concepts.

KØOV's RDF Homepage

TRANSMITTER HUNTING Radio Direction Finding Simplified
By Joseph D. Moell, KØOV, and Thomas N. Curlee, WB6UZZ
Publication #2701 from TAB Books, division of McGraw-Hill. ISBN number 0-8306-2701-4


SwRI Signal Exploitation and Geolocation Division


/3/ R. Grabau, K. Pfaff: Funkpeiltechnik (Radio bearing technology),
publishers: Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1989.

S. Lipsky, Microwave Passive Direction Finding, Wiley, 1987

Wireless Information @ MPRG

Robust Symmetric Number Systems

Jenn, D.C., Pace, P.E., Hatziathanasiou, T.N., and Vitale, R.,
High resolution wideband direction finding arrays based on optimum symmetrical number system encoding,
IEE Electronics Letters,
Vol. 34, pp. 1062--1064, June 1998.

Pace, P.E., Wickersham, D., Jenn, D., and York, N.,
High resolution phase sampled interferometry using symmetrical number systems,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
Vol. 49 No. 10 pgs. 1411-1423, Oct. 2001.



MUSIC Algorithm

Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications: IS-95 & Third Generation CDMA Applications
Chapter 9 "Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation Algorithms"
Chapter 10 "RF Position Location Systems"
J. C. Liberti, Jr., & T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 1999

Impact Study for Direction-Finding Antenna Count Reduction, 16-9226
Jackie E. Hipp, South West Research

Radio Systems Areas of Interest, Leicester University


Hornets RDF


Patent 4609888
Navy case 64224
Date 09-02-86
Inventor(s) Robert Corzine Joseph Mosko 
Direction Finding Antenna Interface 

A microwave direction finding antenna interface is disclosed which is capable of operating over multioctave bandwidth with an upper frequency limit exceeding forty gigahertz. The antenna, feed circuit/transformer and arithmetic network have non-interrupted TEM electrical paths of strip transmission lines (striplines). Further, a process of fabricating the antenna, feed circuit/transformer and arithmetic network in conjunction with the support means is described.


EM Warrington
University of Leicester

Duncan Baker
University of Pretoria