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Hi!!! Glad you stopped by!

A Little About Me!!

Hi!!! As many of you know, my name is Vanessa, and if you know me, you know how much I love playing on my computer!! I've met some wonderful people over the internet, and have gotten to go to many places and done things I never thought I would be able to do! Just to let everyone know a little about myself, I was born in 1956. When I was born, my father was in the Air Force, and we traveled quite a bit. My Mom, brother and I settled in South Carolina when I was 13, but that didn't stop my love of travel. I think I was just trying to find that geographical cure some of us talk about... Whatever the reason, I've lived in some pretty cool places. One of my favorites is Louisiana! I have alot of family there, and miss seeing them. As many of you know, I'm in recovery, and it has totally changed my life!!! I started using drugs of all kinds including alcohol when I was 14, and it was downhill from there. In my program we talk about "when at the end of the road we find that we can no longer function as a human being, either with or without the use of drugs, we all face the same delema, what is there left to do?" After 26 years of using I found myself at that point, and didn't know what to do. I found the soulation thru NA. Today, I can love myself and others! The program has tought me that! If it weren't for the love and support of my parents, I dont know if it would have been possible in the beginning, and I thank them for the chance they gave me! Thanks to NA, my life is truely blessed! I've learned that today, I'm not alone, and God will never let me down or give me more than I can handle! Today, life IS worth living, so dont ever give up!!! Stick around for the miracle!!! It can and does happen!!

My Son!

I have a son named Jason who was born in 1980, and I can truely say, he loves me unconditionally!!!! His life hasn't been easy, but today he knows where he can find me. There have been times in his life that he couldn't say that..... I can also say that he is his own individual, and likes to make a statement. Jason, you have a heart of gold and I'm proud to say you are my son!!! You have tought me to look at the inside of a person, and not judge them by their outside appearances! I love you, my baby!!!!!

The Butterfly
My First Home Page!!!!!!!
Narcotics Anonymous Literature
12 Step Recovery Cards
Menu Page
Basic Information About Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous-Recovery with Richard
My Personal Stuff
Karen's Home Page
My lil world on the web
Chip's Expression of Recovery
We Do Recover 1 Day At A Time
bbbbbob's homepage

My Photos


some of my favorite quotes are:
"This to shall pass"

"those that judge don't matter and those that matter don't judge"
"God will never give us more than we can handle"

(full version)
God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world As it is,
not as I would have it;
That I may be reasonably happy In this life,
And supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.
-Rienhold Niebuhr