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I call this "The Spirit of the Cedars" is a marvelous woodcarving
that I have "planted" at the back of my garden,
at the edge of the cedar woods....
To Me he exemplifies the spirits of the woods:
tall, straight, strong, ancient,
reminding us there is a spirit in all created things
and this spirit deserves the respect of all the rest of creation.

Photo:  Sprit of the Cedars, July 2001, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada

I created thee rich,
why dost thou bring thyself down to poverty?
Noble I made thee, wherewith dost thou abase thyself?
Out of the essence of knowledge I gave thee being,
why seekest thou enlightenment from anyone beside Me?
Out of the clay of love I molded thee,
how dost thou busy thyself with another?
Turn thy sight unto thyself,
that thou mayest find Me standing within thee,
mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.
.....Bahá'u'lláh,The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah

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It is owned and maintained by: Penelope
(a.k.a. Auntie Mame)
(a.k.a. Nana)
Music on this page:
Beethoven's Canon
"Alle Menschen werden Brueder"
('All men will be brethren')
is the high ideal expressed
in the Ninth Symphony
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giving credit where credit is due:  Tattersals background set by
giving credit where credit is due: leaf watermark from The Dot Shoppe
Source of other graphics on this page is unknown.
If you know where they originate, please let me know;
I would be happy to give credit where credit is due