
While this page does not contain pornography, it is intended for adults. If subject matter pertaining to consentual slavery, S&M or M/s are illegal in your jurisdiction or you are not legally an adult by the laws of your state, province or country, do not enter! This page is intended for mature persons interesed in female submission and surrender as a lifestyle. You will not find role-play advice or online issues addressed here. If via any communication I discover you are underage I will report you to any and all authorities availible in the lifestyle community and legally if the information is substanciated. Please, I beg you, pass it by if you are a gamer or a child! The graphics, design and content of these pages are copyrighted. Copyrights are displayed accoridingly. Please take the time to educate yourself about the abuses of copyrights, online by visiting link provided below to whatiscopyright.org. (Whatiscopyright.org is a site outside Of Submission & Surrender. You will have to click the back button on your web browser to return to this site.) Remember, not only is it illegal, someone took the time and displayed the talent to create orignal work, copying without permission is not only stealing but insulting to the artist, designer or writer!

Yes! I acknowledge responsibility for my actions.

I attest that I understand this responsibilty and am legally an adult in my place of residence who desires, of my own free will, to view subject matter that includes but is not limited to consentual slavery, S&M and M/s. Take me on in!

N0! Thank you, I'll pass. Take me back out on the web.

Copyright Information

Content and Web Design, Copyright © 2002,2003 Of Submission & Surrender. All Rights Reserved.(Additional & previous copyrights listed on earlier works as they appear on this site.) Of Submission & Surrender Copyright © 2002,2003,2004 Elizabeth N. Jensen. All Rights Reserved. Use of the Of Submission & Surrender© logo banner to link to this page subject to the following terms & conditions. This graphic design set by D/s Creations,used with permission. Do not copy graphic art directly or indirectly from these pages. If you wish to use the set or another of D/s Creations sets visit the D/s creations link below to obtain a set of your own to use from the artist.