Greetings and Salutations!

Please allow me to welcome you to Of Submission and Surrender. I am deidre, property of Thomas, a collared beast and the creator of Of Submission & Surrender. Thank you for taking the time to visit this site.

Within the pages of Of Submission & Surrender you will find essays, poems, links to useful and informative sites for the submissive or surrendered female.

You will not find the appropriated work of others, hints and tips on how to better role play a slave online, that H/he, S/she, Y/you, Y/yours thing, the exclusive use of third person speech, or aplogies for being what is even within the acceptable bounds of M/s or S&M the least politically correct dynamic for the display of submission and surrender, the female submissive to men. The creator of this site does hold the ideals of Gorean philosophy close to her heart. Please save the time energy and bandwidth and refrain from sending those scathing e-mails and icq messages to attempt to convert me, "enlighten" me as to the evils of or impossibility of a Gorean lifestyle or denouce a Gorean lifestyle as 24/7 fantasy role play.

This site is intended to provide information on the topics listed written by adults for adults. An intellectual exericse in comparison will oftentimes result in conflicting opinions on various topics. Only the items presented as the copyrighted work of Of Submission & Surrender are mine. All other works represent the original opinions of the writer and will be noted throughout the site with the name, copyright and permissions where they appear on Of Submission & Surrender. Links to sites outside Of Submission & Surrender will be notable in that you will need to use the back button on your web browswer to return here. All pages within Of Submission & Surrender will contain the Of Submission & Surrender logo banner accompanied by the D/s Creations logo link and navigation icons at the bottom of the page.

Please feel free to express your opinion about this site in the guestbook. This area will not be edited or censored in anyway. If you wish to contact me directly, I can be reached via e-mail, (below) or ICQ#137438671. If you do not identify yourself with a reference to this site, message me with propositions of cyber sex, lame pick up lines or other verbage porportedly to impress me, I will simply add you to the ignore list feature of my ICQ. For more details read my profile on ICQ, in a nutshell, I am a happily collared slave girl married to her owner, if all you seek is a cyber toy or to woo me from Master don't bother.

I wish you well,


Topics of Submission & Surrender
Consentual Slavery
M/s Relationships
Gorean Philosophy
Gorean Lifestyle
Female Submission
Female Surrender
Personal Journies
Day to Day
Release & Recovery
Common Sense Safety

Graphics © Copyright,D/s Creations,2000,2001,2002.
Content © Copyright,Of Submission & Surrender,2002,2003,2004.