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Aids and Syphilis: One Disease Two Names

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About Our Web pages

Web Page Design Web Page Content
This Web Site is designed and developed by your host Dr. J. as a course project: "Introduction to Internet" at St. Clair College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Instructor: Mrs. Adelaide Vercouteren. The scientific information presented on these web-pages are excerpted from a Continuing Medical Education Course which your host Dr. J. teaches (see also Bibliography).


Knowledge is available to the wise Only fools despise knowledge
Information provided on these Web Pages are for educational purposes and are gathered from reputable scientific publications. It is up to you and your health-care or sick-care provider to benefit from this wealth of information.

Your Web Host Dr. J., Ph.D.

No...o...o...o!..Not that! Dr. J. the basketball player!
I am a 5 feet TALL retired Biochemist-Neurochemist (Ph.D., U. of ILL Medical Center, Chicago, l966) and I am planning to implement a www-based professional health care educational project in
Preventive, Complementary and Alternative
Health Care Systems.
I have taught several accredited Continuing Medical Education Courses in Nutritional Sciences and these courses, updated, will form the backbone of my web project. In addition there will be
Continuing Professional Education Courses
Homeopathic Medicine
Botanical and Traditional Medicine
Spiritual Dimentions of Health, Healing and Life.
We are open to topical and other suggestions and requests.

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