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Meeting of
Alcoholics Anonymous


We are  A.A. members who  prefer to concentrate on the fact that the glass is half full instead of being half-empty.

At present,  TIAS is a meeting, not a group. If our members wish to change that it will be done by group conscience.

Recognizing that there are no rules except those that we impose on our selves  we lean on the following wisdom for guidance

"Our Society then entered a fearsome and exciting adolescent period.  The test that it faced was this: Could these large numbers of erstwhile erratic alcoholics successfully meet and work together? Would there be quarrels over membership, leadership and money? Would there be strivings for power and prestige? Would there be schisms, which would split A.A. apart? Soon A.A. was beset by these very problems on every side and in every group.  But out of this frightening and at first disrupting experience the conviction grew that A.A.'s had to hang together or die separately.  We had to unify our Fellowship or pass off the scene.

As we discovered the principles by which the individual alcoholic could live, so we had to evolve  principles by which the A.A. groups and A.A. as a whole could survive and function effectively.  It was   thought that no alcoholic man or woman could be excluded from our Society; that our leaders might serve but not govern; that each group was to be autonomous and there was to be no fees or dues; our expenses were to be met by our own voluntary contributions.  There was to be the least possible organization, even in our service centers.  Our public relations were to be based upon attraction rather than promotion.  It was decided that all members ought to be anonymous at the level of press, radio, TV and films. And in no  circumstances should we give endorsements, make alliances, or enter public controversies.

This was the substance of A.A.'s Twelve Traditions, which are stated in full on page 564 of this book. Though none of these principles had the force of rules or laws, they had become so widely accepted by 1950 that they were confirmed by our first International Conference held at Cleveland.  Today the remarkable unity of A.A. is one of the greatest assets that our Society has.

BB 3rd ed. Page xviii & xix

Our members exemplify the spirit of the Twelve Traditions by their actions.

The format of the meeting is three fold... A weekly open topic meeting,  a weekly BB  topic meeting, and  casual off topic sharing.

If you are looking for a  friendly meeting to  share the programme of A.A. with fellow members, then come join us as we "trudge the road to happy destiny".

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