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Starbase 16:< A website dedicated to Star Trek.

Starbase 16

Hi and welcome to Starbase 16. Here is the place to take your shore leave. Put up your feet, look around,chat on my message board, or snuggle up in bed with a book, recommended in my book reviews. If that does not appeal to you, have a laugh by looking at my fun page full of different things or vote for your favourite Star Trek series and see which is most peoples favourite, but don't forget to sign my guest book, but most of all, enjoy your self. Your on shore leave!


My favourite Star Trek Series
  • The Original Series
  • Voyager

Other good Star Trek web sites which I have found:

Enterprise-X -a RPG
USS Karion -a RPG
Star Trek Central
The Official Star Trek Web Site
The Intrepid Class Starship Development Project
The Official Star Trek Web Site
The Station
The Wormhole
A Star Trek Club
Star Trek Chat Message Board
Star Trek Books
Star Trek Universe

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Star Trek and all its characters and related things belong to Paramount and no copyright infringement was meant. This is an unofficial site