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Hello! My name is Diana Glen and wish to welcome you to my site.
I am a survivor of incest, domestic violence and disabiling illnesses such as:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM),
Myofascial Pain (MFP) & Osteoarthritis (OA) etc.
I am living my life to its fullest and as it is reflected in my poem,
"I Want To Live Before I Die
"I want to be all that I can be,
Experience all that's there for me,
I want to soar, I want to fly,
I want to live before I die."

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.
These pages have been under construction since June 26, 1999.
Please bear with me as I am new to this and am learning as I go along.
Please come back and visit again!
If you wish to contact me now:

Special thanks and gratitude to Phyllis Griffiths,
who not only believed in me, but went so far as to start my site,
when I knew nothing about how to do it and was too afraid to try.
A very special lady! See her at:

Special thanks and gratitude to T. GhostWolf Davidson,
a friend and fellow survivor.
GhostWolf's incredible site tells the story of his life
and his breaking the silence of abuse.
He also uses his own drawings and poetry to help him express his story.
GhostWolf's stories, his presentation of these stories and his gentle encouragement to me have inspired me to also 'break the silence'.
His courage and talents are unlimited
and I aspire someday to be as courageous as he is.
See him at:

Special thanks and gratitude to a dear friend and chosen sister,
Susan Naomi Dunbar,
who shares many of the physical illnesses, including types of arthritis, that I have.
Over the last 2 years that I have know her,
she has endeavoured to pull, push, sometimes shove;
but mostly Susan has encouraged and hugged me
to get me through the many crises I have experienced.
She has always been there for me and my gratitude has no limits.
She started her site when I started mine and she helps me with mine--guess who knows more about computers (even though she has a Mac!!)?
Dear Susan!
Visit her and her cat Mungo at:

Special thanks and gratitude to Harry, a disabled friend,
who wishes to remain anonymours but will never be anonymous to me.
Because of the special person he is,
I risked to share a poem I had written with him,
and with permission, he showed it to a friend and she published it in her site.
He is the one that started me in believing in myself
and to go on to do my own site and to begin to write again.
Thank you, Harry!

If I am not for myself,
Then who will be for me?
If not now,


Our Circle of Support ©
My Friends ©
Magic Man ©
Just A Simple Little Kiss ©
So Tell Me, Why Isn't My Loving You Enough? ©
Canada, Our Dying Land ©
As I See It ©
I Want To Live Before I Die ©
There's A Child Within ©
After You Leave -- After You're Gone ©
Girl Child And Spoon Fed Lies ©
More Is Less ©
Going Through The Motions ©
Taking Pieces Of Me ©
Don't Pass Me By ©
Dear Cyber Friend ©
...But I'll Keep Trying ©

...And the day came when the risk to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Helen Thompson

"The greatest gift a person can give you is their friendship"
Diana Glen

"A stranger is a friend I haven't met yet."

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