School Crazyness...

The past year of my life has been pretty crazy, new city, new school, new people...but I'm happy with the way everything has been working out so far. I've made some great friends and had a lot of fun-maybe too much fun....

I lived at Annesley Hall and met tons of great people...

Pretty typical university activity- the Toga Party...drunken fun.

So, I got dragged into going to Vic's formal, the High Ball,by Holly and ended up having a great time, despite not having a place to sit at the dinner table...hahaha.

Stephenson House, home of a few of my friends had a times

Me and Holly set out on April 20th to Group Hug while the rest of our friends celebrated good ol' interesting night....

The summer has been just as much fun as the school year, if not more fun...its been quite a soap opera at times. Chris, Ross, Dave, Lisa, Sarah and I trekked on the the annual World Electronic Music Festival, all things considered it was a good time.

In August, Chris, Dave, Ross, Adam, AJ, Melissa, Jeff, Jackie & I went up to Chris' old summer camp,Camp Big Doe for a great weekend. Waterfalls and horrible steak made this a trip to remember.

School started again....*sigh* Frosh week was great, being a frosh leader was so much fun...

Oktoberfest was a great time, on the magic bus, we were drunk before we got times.

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