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A Bond Of Love

Oh so many years ago now…

I carried you warm and safe inside me…

Then one day you decided it was time…

I held close within my arms..

Wondering at the miracle of it all…

I watched you grow from your first step…

To the first reluctant day at school…

From boyhood to manhood the time just flew…

Where did the years all go…

Sometimes I wish time would just stand still…

The bond between us grew along with you…

You have filled my heart with joy…

Oh the laughter we two have shared…

The fears we have faced and overcome…

Tears and hurts all cured…

Have I told you lately how proud I am…

Of you and all you've become…

The man you are, so strong and gentle…

Kindness and caring fill your world…

It shows in all you do…

I thank the Lord each day for you…

For letting me be you're Mom…

No better son could I have had…

I'm so glad you were the one…

He sent to me to love and hold, oh so long ago…

I just want you to know how much I care…

How proud I am of you…

To let you know I love you more each day…

That is if I could have chosen you…

You still would have been the only one for me…

