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Prayers, Rituals & Blessings

Quite often in my personal spiritual process and in my work, I create different prayers & rituals to call upon the Spirits to assist myself, my family, friends & clients. I've posted some of them here to help anyone who may be interested. The Angels, Spirits and Guides are here to help us in any way possible, all we have to do is ask. Just like in a reading, the way you phrase your request helps to focus the energies into being.
Feel free to use any of the posted information to assist in your own personal awareness & spiritual growth. If you cannot use all of a ritual, feel free to incorporate whatever pieces of it you can use and leave the rest. There are meant as guidelines, an outline to create your own spiritual practices.

Working with The Moon
Working with the powerful energy of the moon is a wonderful way to expand intuitive/psychic awareness, effectively balance emotions & find your own inner voice. It's energies are reflective, contemplative and highly spiritual. A waxing moon helps to increase the amount of or awareness of whatever you are seeking (more peace, more prosperity, etc). And, a waning moon helps to decrease anything you may be desiring less of (as in depression, frustration, anger, etc). Placing your prayers/requests to Spirit during the corresponding phase of the moon will help them to be more effective.

Ritual to Release Pent-up Emotions
Preferably during a waning moon, gather together a bundle of sage, a black candle and small vial or bowl of distilled water that was left under the full moon overnight for three days. Light the end of the sage bundle and gently guide the smoke from the candle all around every part of your aura (basically surround yourself), paying extra attention to your abdomen. Hold your hands over the water and allow the energy in it to heighten and become stronger & stronger. When you feel like the water is charged enough, apply it in counter-clockwise circles and allow it is rinse away any stored negative emotions. Ask your body what parts need it most, and cleanse them with the water. Ask for the Archangel Sachiel to join you and assist in the process. Continue cleansing until you feel "done". Then, light the black candle & use a prayer like this,
"I call upon my Spirit Guides and Angels to help draw out the negative emotions from my body, mind & spirit. (breathe deeply) I allow myself to gently but powerfully release all emotions from the past that are no longer useful to me. I let them go into the Universe and asked that they be transformed in Love & Light. With each breath I release a little more, and I trust myself to continue this process throughout the day. I thank the Spirits & Angels for Their assistance. And so it is."
Let the candle burn as long as you like.

Prayer to Bring Clarity
Light a white candle anytime, particularly effect during a waxing moon or done at noon, and say the following blessing...
"I call upon the powers of the white light, and all beings that work with it to guide me to clarity in every form. I release any and all actions, emotions, thoughts & energies from my consciousness that would keep me from finding what I know is meant to exist within me, perfect clarity and peace. In the name of Archangel Michael I accept this change in my world. As His sword of truth cuts through the chaos in my mind, so clears my reality. And so it is."
Repeat this three times, and pour as much meaning into every word as you can. Say it when you light the candle and when you blow it out, repeat again three time but also add,
"As I exitinguish this flame, may the fire & strength of this prayer glow even more brightly in my life."

Ritual to Release Tension/Dissonance Between You & a Loved One
During a waning moon, write the name of you and your loved one on a piece of paper. Light a white candle for clarity and forgiveness, and a green one for healing of the heart. Say the following blessing (or derivative of your own) as you light the white candle,
"I ask that the Power of forgiveness and clarity flow through my body, emotions, mind & spirit. With every breath I take, may I breathe in a deeper clearing in every space of my consciousness. I now release any aspect of negativity from my being. I allow this release to continue until (name of loved on you have conflict with) and I are at peace. I thank all Spirits and beings that can offer Their assistance in this matter. And so it is.