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to all who enter our little domain....

It came to our attention that many of people who enter our realm, believe we are a WEB COMPETITION, and so they do not join us! This is not the case at all, in fact we, The GoldenHill Fairies

Now Privately, away from GoldenHill many of us do belong to Web Competitions, like The Site Fights, WebBrawls,The Rumbles, Digital Delilah and The Magickal Gathering, while there are even some here that do not belong to any competition group at all.



We DO NOT recruit each other for the purpose of leaving our groups we are in...
The whole meaning behind GoldenHill is for friends to come home too....
A place to relax,share information,graphics,links..... just a really fun place to be...
We are a society of friends

If this sounds like the type of place you would like to belong to, then please step in and join us. Currently we are under going MAJOR redecoration!!! So please come back often to check on the upgrades!

  ©TheMagickalGathering 1999-2000. Nothing may be removed from this site without written permission.Graphic Sets by Sweet Faerie Six and Pink Spirit.