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Glasgow Papers
Letter from the Ireland Administrator
for the estate of Archibald Willson

  Knockboz 1st October 1817
Dear Sir:

I am Sir ? with your letter of the 3rd July last and observe with surprise the claim made on Mr. Glasgow, for part of the money which you recd. - his brother and sisters thinking to recover, being as nearly related to the lat Mr. Willson as he was.

Mr. Willson died intestate, leaving the sum of six sisters, one of whom was Rachell the mother of Mr. Glasgow. Counsel advised Mr. Gordon (Mr. Willson's Exr.) that the freehold divided into six shares, and that each 6th descended to the eldest son of each sister, to the exclusion of the rest of the family - Mr. Robt. Glasgow being the eldest son, of course Mr. Gordon to his order that porportion of the rents which by the laws of this country he was entitled to - As to the chattels they went by representation to the next of kin, and divided into 13 shares, to which Mr. Glasgow had no claim, his mother being alive at the time of Mr. Willson's death, excluded his right from any part of the same, and on you referring to the list which I gave you, you will there see L. 150 10 1/2 being 1/13 share of the chattels to Mrs. Glasgow, all the remainder of the sum which I paid you for the use of Mr. Glasgow was the produce of the freehold property, which cannot be claimed by his brothers or sisters by the laws of this or any other country that I know of.

I am sorry that I cannot give you a favorable account of the Ballyerton property since you were here, such was last season 1816 that all our crops were nearly lost. The result was that farmers had to purchase their provisions, and that at the enormous price of 47 Cwt. for bacon & 3 s 9d a bushel for potatoes, Starvation threatened too many - In this situation to collect rents was out of the question - I have therefore got very little since I saw you, but I have the pleasure of informing you that we have now a general good crop, so I hope in a little time I will be able to give you a better report of Mr. Glasgow's property in this country, at all events I will do the best I can for his interest.

Mr. Harrison has not got anything satisfactory done (word indec. - suppose it "concerning") Mr. G. claim on Ballykeel. There seem too much difficulty in it, and the lawyer requested until next term before he would give his opinion, say in Nov. next, so as soon as Mr. H. gets the opinion I will transmit to you the report of counsel.

I am Dear Sir Sincerely and Very Respectfully Yours,

  Alex Davidson (signature)

From the papers of Robert Glasgow
who researched this line of Glasgow's from the late 1950' till his death in 1993.




Created for the Internet January 18, 2000